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Marine Limited Edition Prints, Remarques and Oil Paintings

JAY BOYD KIRKMAN - Limited Edition Prints & Paintings

JAY BOYD KIRKMAN - Limited Edition Prints & Paintings

Equestrian art - limited editions and paintings by Jay Boyd Kirkman



Charles Ryder works in London and Wiltshire, England. Equestrian Fine Art is pleased to publish a new limited edition from his dashing study "Charger".

PETER DEIGHAN - Limited Edition Prints Gallery

PETER DEIGHAN - Limited Edition Prints Gallery

One of the finest contemporary painters of the British racing scene. "Peter has tremendous artistic talent, capturing his subject...with superb accuracy and sympathy." Willie Carson.

KAREN DUPRE (USA) Print on Demand

KAREN DUPRE (USA) Print on Demand


Including PRINT ON DEMAND - prints made to your exact specifications on paper or canvas


GILBERT MICHAUD (French) Print on Demand

GILBERT MICHAUD (French) Print on Demand

Michaud is a generous painter with a strong sensuality, delicacy and subtlety in his images. His idea of painting is that the dream of the artist is repeated in his work; the thought inspires the art. Michaud feels that the thoughts of the painter and of the viewer of his pictures should be identical.

Including PRINT ON DEMAND - prints made to your exact specifications on paper or canvas


PETE KELLY (British) Print on Demand

PETE KELLY (British) Print on Demand


Including PRINT ON DEMAND - prints made to your exact specifications on paper or canvas


LESLEY WOOD (British) Print on Demand

LESLEY WOOD (British) Print on Demand


Including PRINT ON DEMAND - prints made to your exact specifications on paper or canvas


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